Tuesday, 21 August 2018

Thank you to me.

Thank you, me.

"Thank you, me. For taking yourself out of a situation where you cried more than you smiled or laughed... hurt more than you were loved and was lonelier than actually being alone. I truly am glad that you are not putting yourself through pain just for someone else's gain. I'm glad you loved yourself enough to be able to walk away from being told you were desperate just for wanting to feel wanted. You are more. You are worth a hell of a lot more than what he didn't bother to give you. And you know for next time; not to settle for anything less than LOVE!"

It's been a year since I broke away from this. On 15th August 2017 I finally realised: I will NEVER be happy. He will never give me what I need and I need to get out of this before I am actually as crazy as I am accused of being. Maybe it was my own fault, I was deep in denial about him. He showed me time and time again that he was not worthy of me. But I chose to ignore it because I refused to believe I had made a serious error of judgement; moving my life to be with this man.
I gave him all of me. I chipped away at the bits he didn't like... until I realised I will never be what he likes. He tolerated me. I felt it. He would sometimes make a tiny bit of effort, and then accuse me of being ungrateful.. and there I was at his feet, apologising for being me.