Nearly 8 weeks ago on Monday 18th April, I lost my son, Christopher, twin to Harry to Anencephaly. We found out on 21st December (15 w 5 days).
He had a growth restriction also. Christopher lived for 37 minutes, born 2 mins after his brother at 21:13 by section. They came at 32+4 (Caesarean was actually planned for 34 weeks), me and their daddy together at the time were driving back from his house to Douglas when I started getting contractions every 5-10 minutes, then every 2-3, I rang my Mum and she said tell Lee to get you to the hospital I'll bring your bag.
They managed to stop the contractions with a drip and gave me a set of steroids at 10pm then another set 12 hrs later. Everything calmed down. On the Monday the doctor scanned me and Harry was head down, and there was a chance of vaginal delivery. They took me off the drip and nothing happened. Then they sent me downstairs to the sonographer and then they were both transverse. They weren't about to take a chance of a natural if they were going to move around so much.
I had a meeting with Rev. Haines the priest that was going to baptise Christopher as he was born. She left and everything was quiet for a while. Then a different doctor came in and decided to scan me again, this time Christopher was head down, and not very active at all, wriggled a bit when nudged but nothing more. This was different, strange. They told me all was ok.
When they returned they informed me they could be going through with the section that night, and to call everyone. I did, but no one was answering! I finally got through to my best friend's boyfriend and he passed me on to her. I eventually got through to everyone; My mum, dad, brother, and Lee, his step mum and dad.
The doctors came and gave me scrubs and that was it! Everyone introduced themselves, the midwives, anaesthetists (very enthustiastically so!) and neo natal nurses. Everything went perfect. Both Lee and my mum got to come into theatre with me. Harry, 3lb 12.5oz came screaming at 21:11 and Christopher, 1lb 12oz squeaking at 21:13. Shortly after he was baptised and at 21:50 the midwife, Sue, checked his heart and he had gone... my beautiful boy.
Today is their due date. Harry spent 3.5 weeks in SCBU and he is now home, safe with me. He is 6lb 5 now and doing so well.